Transparency Tool

A Framework for Sustainability Practice and Communication

One of the major challenges societies around the globe are facing at present, is how to ensure a rapid transition to a sustainable future.
Surveys show that consumers have the will to act more sustainably, but often don’t know how to do this. They want to understand the environmental footprint and social impact of a product or a service, its brand and its company. And yes, some consumers are even willing to spend more for it. But first they need to trust that a product and/or service is truly more sustainable.

With the help of the GRV Transparency Tool, brands and suppliers can communicate the ecological and social performance of the company and the products in a transparent and easy to understand way, no matter how far they have travelled on the road towards sustainability.

“We mainly work with passionate SME’s that pioneer true change.”

The GreenroomVoice Transparency Tool supports brands with the help of a basic framework to be aligned with the latest EU legislative developments on sustainability practice, and to identify achievements, priorities, deliverables and progress.

We are experts at translating a brand’s situation into a scientifically approved framework based on facts. No matter if a brand is part of a larger corporation, a privately owned SME or a small start-up we can identify what is important to highlight and where there is still progress to be made. Also, some brands pioneer a specific frontier in sustainability but are only beginning to take the first steps in another relevant field of action towards change.

The GreenroomVoice Transparency Tool creates a safe space for transparent communication.


With the help of the GRV Transparency Tool framework, we can deliver a fact checked and comprehensive overview on brands and products sustainability performance. We look at Brand Management, Brand Collaborations and Communication and Product Portfolios including their supply chain. This places the brand’s action into a context.

The GRV Transparency Tool is reviewed regularly in regards to the latest developments in connection to the Textile Strategy as part of the European Green Deal. It is a good staring point to monitor your green claims.

Brand information, which is referenced on the GreenroomVoice platform is taken into account by other ranking platforms, if the affiliated partner creates a link between their own website and the profile on the GRV platform.

By maintaining a profile on the GreenroomVoice Platform and by linking it to the brands website, other stakeholders can easily get hold of the information and look beyond the current communication of the brand itself.

The GRV Transparency Tool delivers reliable and comparable facts. All relevant standards, labels and practice are integrated and updated regularly once a year. The results can be used to create trustworthy and comparable information for brands’ internal and external communication and saves research time for media, retail and the consumers.

Update 2023

For the latest Update 2023 see our journal 

Advantages of the GRV Transparency Tool - As a Platform for Communication

The GRV Transparency Tool is accessible and easy to understand, and deep enough to make a holistic and verifiable statement. It enables brands to set up a confident and trustworthy communication about their CSR activities.

Environmental and Social Aspects in a Context

The point of view of the GRV Transparency Tool is always “from the outside in”, so the key interest is to build a bridge between the brand and its audience. In order to understand where social and environmental engagement plays a role and how to measure it, the GRV Transparency Tool allows contextualization for experts and non-experts.

Points out the Direction Forward

The GRV Transparency Tool delivers a matrix for a brand to engage with sustainability measurement. It can be used to define a roadmap for the company’s sustainable development.


1 Step: The Interview

A GRV Expert will spend about 2-3 hours on the phone with one or more members from the brand to go through the Brand Management and Brand Collaboration & Communication parts of the questionnaire. This could be the CEO, the responsible person for CSR development or any other member of staff, who is qualified to give answers to these fields of action.

2 Step: The Analysis and checking of proof

After the interview, GRV will evaluate the given answers, check the mandatory proof documents and come back to the brand for more information, if necessary.
The strength of the GRV Transparency Tool is the possibility to adapt it to all sizes of brands. This is why GRV doesn’t always ask for same documents as proof, and why we work with equivalents to standards and certification.
The GRV Transparency Tool guides along the sustainability practice, which is established within the industry and identifies extraordinary engagement or priorities to move forward.

3 Step: Products

Once all the questions on a more general level at Brand Level are answered, GRV will look at brands product portfolio to get concrete information on how manufacturing, supply chains, packaging and transport etc. are handled.

4 Step: The Results

With the results GRV will generate the CSR Profile.
This way a brand can communicate in a clear, trustworthy and comparable way to their own staff as well as the external world- may it be press, retailers or directly to their customer.

That’s why the GRV Transparency Tool user friendly, holistic and independent.