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ISPO 2018: Meet ZRCL

ZRCL («circle») is the streetwear label without secrets. From cultivation to sale transparent, fair, organic, carbon neutral and ecological. Each garment has its own traceability number, with which the entire production cycle can be traced. ZRCL wants to be a model, share knowledge and animated action. To have ZRCL more

ISPO 2018: Meet Ortovox

If you are concerned with animal welfare in wool products, then take a very close look at Ortovox. And if you happen to be at ISPO, come by our GreenroomVoice booth in Hall A4 to hear them speak at the Transparency Tour on Tuesday at 11.00 am, they do have a journey to share… The ORTOVOX WOOL PROMISE (OWP) – more

ISPO 2018: Meet Südwolle Group

As part of our special focus area on wool, we are excited to welcome Südwolle Group on the GRV Showcase at ISPO 2018. To know more, get informed and make educated choices, join our Transparency Tour at 11.00 on Monday the 29.1.2018 to hear a representative of Südwolle Group speak. We are in Hall A4 in the CSR area. read more

ISPO 2018: Meet Engel Sports

At the next GreenroomVoice Showcase at ISPO 2018 in Hall A4 and as part of our special focus area on wool, ENGEL SPORTS will feature the wonderful blend of products made from cuddly soft merino wool and smooth, robust silk that adapts perfectly to any body movement. ENGEL SPORTS is manufactured to the highest more

ISPO 2018: Meet Entropy

ISPO is near! Please meet the makers of more sustainable products at the GreenroomVoice showcase in Hall A4. Our long time partner Entropy is back on our booth featuring their Super Sap line of epoxy resin products, which cover a wide range of applications and manufacturing processes. Entropy Resins makes thermoset more

GRV Showcase at ISPO 2018

With 26 partners and over 40 meters of exhibition, the GRV Showcase 2018 is the most successful edition yet. Situated at the heart of the CSR hub the GRV showcase will be the place to be, if you are excited about sustainable developments and achievements in our industry. We have chosen wool as our key focus and more

GRV Transparency Tool 2018

The GRV Transparency Tool is continually updated. We always look at what is happening in regards to sustainability in the Outdoor industry to integrate new tendencies and best practice. This also means that achievements, which have been scored high in the past, might now be leveled with “state of the art”, to make more

Planning ISPO 2018?

Show your sustainability message it in a dedicated environment to connect with your audience. GRV and its team of experts will host the next showcase on transparent communication in Outdoor Hall A4 with a special focus on wool. Besides companies, who would like to communicate their best practice in sustainable more