Light My Fire – STACKPLATE
- Achievments:
Bio-Based Content
- Bio-Based Content
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BPA free
- BPA free
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- Durable
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The made in Sweden Light My Fire StackPlate BIO is a portable plate to bring with you camping or for a picnic. Each plate fits snugly into the other, which means the whole stack takes up very little space. The triangular shape and high edge of the plate makes them versatile for any type of dish. Their durability also makes them useful to use with kids. They also utilize 100% BPA free and bio-based plastics made of sugar cane and wood fibers. These stackable plates are microwave and dishwasher safe, which makes them easy to clean.
GRV’s View:
This practical plate, which has many uses in the outdoors, has a very high content of certified bio-based plastic. And think about it, bio-based means CO2 neutral- at least for the source material, not for production.
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- Certified by:
- Bonsucro
- > View all 'Bonsucro' evaluations
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- FDA and EU approved
- > View all 'FDA and EU approved' evaluations
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GRV Transparency ToolSTACKPLATE x
Brand Management
- CSR topics are of upmost importance at LMF and all staff are directly involved and encouraged to contribute to the process
- Extensive in house testing and very stringent quality control
- LMF sources certified bio-plastics
- Extensive investment into social programs
- Changes in packaging have considerably reduced the impact on the environment by using less material while also reducing the CO2 emitted during transportation
Brand Commitment
- The change to bio-plastics in 2019 is a big innovation as well as the investment into new reduced packaging.
- 90% of LMF's products are produced in Sweden, which has very high social and environmental standards
- LMF invests into educating the consumer about plastics and bio-plastics
- LMF works with many relevant multi-stakeholder groups
- 96,3% bio-based material made from certified sugarcane and wood fiber waste from certified European wood
- Manufactured in Sweden
- BPA free
- FDA and EU Approved
- Brand Management
- Brand Commitment
- Product
GRV takes a holistic approach to Brand Management. We take into consideration all pertinent topics and issues, which are in direct control of the brand. GRV analyzes how the brand utilize their management in business and in their supply chain.
When determining ‘Brand Commitment’, GRV looks at the pro-active efforts of a brand toward sustainability. For example, the percentage of sustainable product lines within the entire portfolio, or the life cycle assessments and public reporting. We look for key indicators of the engagement of a brand towards responsibility.
On this level GRV is looking at product related information, like material content, supply chain and certification. Warranty, reparability and “end of use” advice are also important aspects. At the moment, GRV is looking at selected highlight products from different product lines, which show the special sustainable efforts of the brand.
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Integration of Sustainability
At Light My Fire, everyone is involved in CSR topics. Additionally Light My Fire has one CSR manager as a direct contact person for stakeholders. The strong female leadership has sustainability as a core focus.
Light My Fire has formulated seven commandments, that every product has to fulfil, which ensure that all products are aligned with the company’s vision. (See Design Process)
lessCertification, Standards and Guidelines
Quality Management is key when making products which are in contact with food. FDA and EU Food Approved (US Food and Drug Administration with European regulation) regulations are constantly developed further, which might require additional tests, even on existing products. Also whenever the portfolio is updated, even with just a colour change, all products have to be migration and Prop 65 tested to comply with all regulations.
Light My Fire sources bio-plastics derived from sugar cane certified by Bonsucro and ISCC, the wood fiber come from wood waste from PEFC certified trees and the corn-based bio-monomer from EU is GMO free certified.
Bonsucro is an international not for-profit, multi-stakeholder organization established in 2008 to promote sustainable sugarcane. Its stated aim is to reduce ’the environmental and social impacts of sugar cane production while recognizing the need for economic viability’. It does this through setting sustainability standards and certifying sugar cane products.
ISCC Plus – International Sustainability and Carbon Certification, an international certification system for biomass and sustainable fuels that sets specific production standards. The system provides sustainability solutions for fully traceable and “deforestation free” supply chains.
PEFC (Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) is an international forest certification system which promotes ecologically, socially and economically sustainable forestry programs throughout the world.
lessSocial and Environmental Responsibility
Light My Fire has its own factory in Sweden, where they mould the different products themselves. 80% of all products are made in their own factory, 10 % in other factories in Sweden and 10% abroad (Honduras and China). Sweden has very high social and environmental standards, and is considered a very low risk country for social or environmental harm.
The key production process for Light My Fire’s products is moulding plastic granulate into three-dimensional forms. This kind of process creates a very low percentage of waste. The limited materials which can’t be recycled into the process will be incinerated and turned into energy. But there is still some room for improvement of waste management never the less. So far Light My Fire produces smaller batches, which are linked to different colours and whenever a color changes, some waste is created. Light My Fire is looking into options to increase the yield on smaller lots. The office and factory are almost entirely supplied by certified green energy.
In addition on the social side, Light My Fire encourages an openhearted work atmosphere, where family members are welcome for internships and holiday jobs and even dogs are allowed in the office. Diversity within the team is important. Staff with physical and mental disabilities are integrated to the means of their ability.
lessDesign Process
The design of every Light My Fire product has to achieve the following requirements, which match the core principles of the company:
Material & Sourcing Strategy
Light My Fire’s code of conduct is valid for all material suppliers. Light My Fire sources all plastics through a Swedish agent, which is the common procedure with compounds. When speaking about bio-based or other kinds of plastics for that matter, we are talking about a very large corporation with standardised processes. These guarantee quality and steady supply. Traceability is guaranteed through third party certification, but only in terms of the material, not in terms of the exact provenance of the farmland. Since Braskem holds most of the volume of the sugar cane bio-based supplier market, their market position is unmatched. This makes them a target of scrutiny but on the other hand, there aren’t any real alternatives either, in case something isn’t up to the market’s expectation. Light My Fire is working on using Swedish plastic in order to have more real hands on control. Whenever bio-plastic is used, transparency becomes a major issue. In order to make sure that bio-based raw materials are not in competition with land used for food production food production or encouraging deforestation, it is important to have transparency in supply chains and/or guarantee the exclusion of land-use conflicts by certification (Bonsurco, ISCC). Light My Fire’s bio-plastics are not just one single material. They, like traditional fossil-based plastic, comprise of a whole family of materials with different properties and applications.
Light My Fire uses three different types of bio-based plastics that have the different properties for specific product needs. All materials comply with the requirements and specifications of the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and (EU) 10/2011 regarding food contact.
The three material mixes Light My Fire uses are supplied by three suppliers. All of them have a certain amount of renewable content, varying from 15-96 %, the rest is crude oil. The three provenances of Light My Fire’s bio-plastics are proven not to be in competition with food.
The wood fibers singular from certified wood waste PEFC from Germany, the GMO free corn based bio-monomer comes from Europe and is considered a by-product of food production. The Sugarcane-Ethanol-Granulate is from managed agriculture in Brazil, certified according to Bonsucro and ISCC Plus.
lessSocial and Environmental Projects
- School in a bag – an initiative packed with a kit for education to mainly Africa including a lunch box. LMF have been sponsoring this project for the past 10 years.
- Keep Sweden Tidy association – All proceeds of Sporks sold at trade shows are donated to this organization. LMF will also start a larger collection by selling picnic products for our national day 6th June where LMF will encourage people to go outdoors and have a picnic with friends and family to celebrate nature and the beautiful country of Sweden. All proceeds will go to Keep Sweden Tidy and their great work.
- For the last 14 years Light My Fire has been appointing between three and ten people from the national handicap work association with great results.
- Light My Fire encourages children of staff and friends to apply for holiday work. The procedure involves writing a proper CV, a personal letter and answering Light My Fire brand questions for the first year. In the second year they do a “re-application” adding to their CV and Answering some reflective questions on their previous year’s work.
Light My Fire does intensive in house testing with a strong focus on durability along with migration tests, since Light My Fire products are in contact with food.
Migration is the transfer of chemical substances from food contact materials into food. For plastic materials two types of migration limits have been established in Commission Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011.
Light My Fire guarantees to adhere to those limits.
lessProduct Transportation Strategy
Light My Fire has managed to reduce freight volume by 30% just by redesigning and reducing their packaging. This translates directly into reducing CO2.
The means of product transportation is an integral part of the conversation between Light My Fire and their retailers and suppliers. Most retail clients are in the EU. For both parties it is always a discussion about cost, which must be balanced with environmental impact. In 60% of cases Light My Fire will make the decision of how the product is transported.
They don’t yet measure CO2, but are planning to make this part of their future sustainable development program.
Light My Fire has given packaging a lot of thought. Besides always using biodegradable colours, which is crucial for reducing toxins in the environment, they focus their efforts of three major areas.
Light My Fire has developed packaging with a second purpose/value.
Its small, handy packing bags made from recycled PET that can be used again after purchase.
Light My Fire has changed all cardboard from virgin material to 100% recycled, unbleached FSC certified cardboard with energy efficient LED UV printing without coating. That means less chemicals and less energy!
Light My Fire has added more options of bulk products to encourage retailers and consumers to avoid packaging completely. They have also replaced their retail cardboard product displays with two layer KraftBag that assure minimum space and material for its purpose to present the product attractively.
Not relevant
Events and Fairs
Light My Fire is present at four fairs every year. They have their own booth made from wood, which they have now used for 6 years. All promotion materials are online and not printed. Sales meetings happen at the trade-shows.
End of Use
To identify the date of production and the exact material mix, Light My Fire prints the month and year of production on all of their products. So in case of recycling, they can determine which materials went into a specific product.
This is an indicator for appropriate recycling streams in the future.
Some end consumers are conscious about separation of different plastic types. However this consciousness and willingness depends largely on the infrastructure available, which varies greatly not only from country to country but also regionally.
But Light My Fire counts on a development towards a sensible recycling infrastructure, which respects bio-plastics especially. Therefore they already equip their product already with the appropriate recycling symbol. They also give information about appropriate recycling on their website.
Light My Fire can recycle their own products. But not many products come back, which is why Light My Fire is working on a university project to establish a short distance recycling process based on having a large quantity of products in one colour and an agreement that the product will be sent back, when it becomes unusable.
No standardised reporting according to GRI guidelines.
Common Welfare Investment
Light My Fire’s vision for a common wealth contribution is to help reducing single use plastics, get people out there, ignite that outdoor dream and cut down on fossil fuel use.
Definition and share of environmentally friendlier products
“A high quality product, that has the next generations in mind and creates no unnecessary waste. All Light My Fire products have a % of bio-based plastic content.”
Definition and share of products, which are more socially responsible
“The production and the finished product must be safe for manufacturing staff and its users. Light My Fire wants to inspire people to get out into nature with friends and family to strengthen social bonds.”
The change to bio-plastics in 2019 was a big innovation as well as the investment into new packaging with a reduced design and carbon footprint. Light My Fire is looking into combining products with activities such as cooking classes and services with the potential for new business models, like leasing tests with Kindergardens, universities, etc. The idea is to move away from retail to slow down consumption.
When we, GRV, ask about progress, we ask the brands specifically about topics on which they would like to work on during the next year.
- Within product development, Light My Fire wants to improve recycling of waste raw materials.
- Investigate new business models like renting, leasing etc.
- Be part of and initiate behavioural changes
Multi-stakeholder Initiatives
Light My Fire is part of the EOG and SOG sustainability groups, as well as of the bio-plastic association in Sweden, which is linked to the European Bio-Plastics initiative.
Light My Fire is also an EOCA member and part of the SUP (single use plastic free) SHOWS working group.
lessStakeholder dialogue
The dialogue with the customer is of upmost importance to Light My Fire. It is crucial to understand, where there are educational need and gaps about plastic and what the issues are.
Light My Fire has gathered the most important information on plastic and bio-plastics in “The little school of plastics” flyer for the end consumer.
The sugar cane for this classic Light My Fire plate comes from the most important supplier of sugar cane from Brazil, Braskem. Here we are talking about a very large corporation with standardized processes. These guarantee quality and steady supply. Traceability is guaranteed through third party certification, but only in terms of the material, not in terms of the exact provenance of the farmland. Since Braskem holds most of the volume of the sugar cane bio-based supplier market, their market position is unmatched. This makes them a target for scrutiny but on the other hand, there aren’t any real alternatives either, in case something isn’t up to the market’s expectation. LMF is working on using Swedish plastic in order to have more real hands on control.
The wood fibers which are used to harden the product comes from Europe.
lessCertification, Environmental and Social Management
The production happens in Sweden, where environmental and social standards are exemplary.
The sugar cane for this material blend is Bonsucro certified, the wood fiber comes from PEFC certified European wood waste channels.
96.3% bio-based material made from certified sugarcane and wood fiber waste from certified European wood that adds strength to the product as well as a wonderful texture and natural smell. The remaining 3.4% are conventional HDPE.
lessCritical Chemical Management (PFCs, BPA etc)
In this particular product there is no application of PFCs, nor BPA’s. Color pigments are recyclable.
Animal Welfare
This product contains no animal content.
Product Transportation
Depending on the country, Light My Fire tries to avoid air freight, transportation is mainly by boat to Asia and US. 80% is by ship/truck for the distance to harbor routes.
Product Packaging
Light My Fire has given packaging a lot of thought. Besides always using biodegradable colours, which is crucial for reducing toxins in our environments, they focus their efforts of three major areas.
Light My Fire has developed packaging with a second purpose/value.
It’s small, handy packing bags made from recycled PET that can be used again after purchase.
Light My Fire has changed all cardboard from virgin material to 100% recycled, unbleached FSC certified cardboard with energy efficient LED UV printing without coating. That means less chemicals and less energy!
Light My Fire has added more options of bulk products to encourage retailers and consumers to avoid packaging completely. They have also replaced their retail cardboard product displays with two layer KraftBag that assure minimum space and material for its purpose to present the product attractively.
Warranty is handled very flexibly and customer friendly. Only a few hundred pieces come back every year.
Maintenance and Care
Dishwasher compatible.
End of Use
Light My Fire can recycle their own products. In order to know the exact material mix, they imprint little clocks on the product. But not many products come back to the factory, which is why Light My Fire is working on a university project to establish a short distance recycling process based on having a large quantity of products in one color.
Evaluated Products
Founded in Sweden in 1996, LMF is Family owned with a focus on camping cutlery.
LMF has 12 administrative employees and 12 working in its own Swedish factory.